Hmmm. I am a bit at a loss.
"There is a very fine line between the lofty love of the world and its art forms, and the quickening desire for a detached way of life. I would leave the house in a pair of clicking heels and a high-collared jacket to go to Mass and while there I would feel a pull to leave everything behind. My heart is inclined almost equally towards the adornment of the body and the adornment of the heart. Maybe these thoughts are completely common, but to me it seems that my heart will always be a battleground where genuine sanctity tries to find solace amid a restless recognition of gifts I am tempted to call my own".
I found these words I had written a couple of years ago and today they are painfully relevant. Life has a funny way of taking just enough turns to make you blush.
Is the celebration of modesty, immodest? Does purity of intention hold enough ground to waive this paradox for the sake of reclaiming fashion, and as a result, true femininity? I would love your feedback...