Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Muse of Fashion: Do not worry me

A Letter I Received

"Am sending you this poem I wrote, with the possibility that it may serve as a stimulus to one of your conversations, especially regarding possibly dignity, or the human worth within, rather than without.
Thanking you if this may be of service." -LL

Muse of fashion: Do not worry me.

Your counsel brings me darkness and despair.

I would your wares were left behind me now

Safe in storage under lock and key.

I have no need for jewels within the hair

Or necklaces of pearl and pins of gold.

You offer me no fortune held in hand,

When in the other grief is what you bear.

You fooled me once when I was young and bold

And found in image scaffoldings of lace .

And built my dreams on owning rich brocades

Skirts of velvet, bodices of silk.

But in my life there was not found a trace,

Of smile, of sparkling eye, or lilt of voice;

But since I've learned to dress in cottons plain,

There is no shadow near the eye or face.

And I have found that simple can be choice,

Since I have been released from fashion's reign.

- L.L. , September 14th, 2000. (copyright)