Tuesday, April 7, 2009

the longest winter

“Be creative in all things”- some recent advice given to me.

In order to follow more closely in the footsteps of the Master: find art in all things; in all things seek out an act of creation. Veni, Creator Spiritus!

Today is snowy. I almost allowed myself to become disappointed when I awoke as this morning represented the prolongation of what has been the longest winter of my life. I then remembered one sunny morning in early April two years ago. The sun was pouring in through the living room window of my Nova Scotia family home. It seemed inevitable that Spring has arrived. I was reading Anne of Green Gables and dreaming about wide-open fields and more carefree days. My father was facing me in his hospital bed with a far-off expression on his face.

“ I would like to see one more snow fall,” he said wistfully “just one more and then I can go home”. A few days later on April 7th. 2009, my father passed into eternity most gracefully. The snow flew as his soul flew to the Home of the Father.

Today when I awoke, I was disappointed with the snow.
This afternoon, I am blessing the snow.

Eternal Rest grant unto him O, Lord and may perpetual light shine upon him and may he rest in peace.

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