Friday, September 25, 2009

a little more "bewildered" than usual

It's been awhile but I still want to try and feign some degree of faithfulness to this blog. I must say, I watched the movie Julie&Julia and gained an inordinate amount of insight on the power of sticking things out for the sake of keeping one's spirit alive in an otherwise disappointing situation.
Yes, I said disappointing! I have a bad case of the September blahs! Does anyone else experience this phenomenon? The only remedy I can figure is higher doses of Taylor Swift and cello music to account for the decrease in vitamin D.
I have many little theories floating around my head with regards to my feelings about September..maybe someday I will commit them to paper. But for now I wanted to commit something to paper.

Be blessed. If you are down, listen to some cello...I swear it helps!

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