Thursday, September 20, 2012

But enough about me...

Our last portrait of Baby M- circa 23 wks?
Over-thinker that I can be, I've been, per usual, torn and tormented about "how much is too much" sharing on Facebook. While Kevin and I want to rejoice in this pregnancy, I feel that some things are too sacred to be paraded around in front of say, 743 "friends".

Just under 27 weeks.
So, for me, my blog represents a slightly less more personal outlet. I'll share a bit more here for the sake of any family or friends who care enough to sit through the musings and meditations of a pregnant lady. Sometimes it's the hormones talking, sometimes it's me, but I'll leave the deciphering up to you!

For those who are just tuning in, welcome! I may just be the only 6'5" pregnant lady you will ever know. Because of my rare medical condition, Acromegaly, I've been under close watch by a team of specialists. Come to find out I am faring exceptionally well. I've had no noticeable swelling in my hands, feet, facial features (these symptoms are usually a sure sign of elevated growth hormone) and baby M is growing at a perfect pace. I would say this is because of the prayer warriors we've got on our side. Thanks to all of you for praying and please keep it up! I've only started to think about labour throughout the past few weeks and I've been mildly frightened by some of the stories and books I've encountered. Only mildly! On the other hand, I truly believe that God allows exactly what we need. Plus, I'm a tough tall girl!

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